About Park Slope Fifth Avenue Business Improvement District


We, the Park Slope Fifth Avenue Business Improvement District, envision an attractive, diverse and thriving avenue in the heart of Park Slope, where everyone feels welcome to shop, work, learn, dine, live and play.


Our mission is to support the businesses, property owners, residents and institutions on Fifth Avenue in Park Slope by;

  • enabling community engagement and creativity;
  • fostering innovation and growth;
  • advocating for inclusive economic sustainability;
  • and enhancing quality of life for all!

BID Meeting Calendar & Membership Registration

April 9th 2025 9:30am ZOOM

RSVP to info@parkslopefifthavenuebid.com

The Park Slope Fifth Avenue Business Improvement District Executive Committee meets bi-monthly. The full board meetings every quarter; everyone is welcome to join. If you are interested in adding an item to the agenda, need the meeting info, want to discuss an idea for the improvement of 5th Avenue or have a questions, please contact Joanna Tallantire at joanna@parkslopefifthavenuebid.com or 718-551-5545.

The Park Slope Fifth Avenue Business Improvement District is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization.

Park Slope Fifth Avenue BID


Joanna Tallantire
Joanna TallantireExecutive Director
Joanna has been working with the Park Slope Fifth Avenue Business Improvement District since 2014, first as Deputy Director and as of 2022 Executive Director.
Carol Klenfner
Carol KlenfnerMedia & Communications Consultant
Melisa Coburn
Melisa CoburnDeputy Director

Board Directors

Class A:
Property Owners

Erika Clark


Mario DiBiase


Blair Guppy

Tara Hodgens

Michael McMahon

Howard Mankin

Vice President
Aaron’s Realty

Jeff Acousta

Habib Ahary

Brigitte Prat

Frances Ramirez

Gladys Orduna

Class B:
Commercial Tenants

Malissa Browne

Negril BK

Valeen Bhat

Private Picassos

Charles Alexander

Dime Bank

Kim Maier

 Old Stone House & Washington Park


Heather Johnston
Good Wine

Class C:

Vivian Ibeas

Vice President

Class D:
Elected Officials

Antonio Reynoso

Brooklyn Borough

Eric Adams

City of New York

Shahana Hanif

Council Member
39th District

Brad Lander

City of New York

Class E:
Non-voting Members

Community Board Six

Annual Reports and Financial Statements

2021/2022 Audited Financial Statement (download)

2022/2023 Audited Financial Statement (download)