Calexico is a real place. One of two major crossings between California and Mexico, the border fence runs right through the middle of town. Take a step south and youâ„¢re in Mexicali; a step north, Calexico. This is not the California of surfers and movie stars. This is the Imperial Valley: hot, dusty, and off the beaten path. As the name suggests, everything about Calexico is a hybrid: the people, the culture, and especially the food. When the three of us moved to New York City, we were blown away by the variety and quality of the food. But no matter where we looked, we couldnâ„¢t find anything that could satisfy our craving for our hometown cuisine. So we began cooking – first for ourselves, then for friends. This was before the street food craze. Back then there werenâ„¢t even food trucks in New York – just pushcarts. And those carts tended to sell a few New York staples like hot dogs and pretzels. But we had an different idea: what about a taco cart? After all, there is no better street food than a taco. Thatâ„¢s just science. So we found a cart, dug into Grandmaâ„¢s recipe box, and rolled out onto the streets of New York City. In our second year in business, we won the Vendy Award for Best Street Food in New York City. The Vendys are like the Oscars for street food. And it changed everything for us. Suddenly we found ourselves being interviewed for newspapers, magazines and even TV shows. Fast-forward a few years. Weâ„¢re still out there slinging tacos and burritos on the streets of New York, only now instead of one cart we have a small fleet – and a few restaurants to boot. Nobody is more surprised by this development than we are. Our business has grown, but what we do hasnâ„¢t changed one bit. We still wake up every day and make the kind of food we like to eat: fresh, flavorful, satisfying. People seem to like it. Hopefully you will too. Buen Provecho,