Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
March 22, 2019 @ 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Every employer in New York is now mandated by law to provide sexual harassment prevention training for all employees.
We have partnered with Park Slope Parents for this 90-minute interactive workshop that fulfills all the training requirements of the NYS Sexual Harassment Law. Employers and employees will leave the program with a greater awareness and understanding of how to recognize, address, and prevent harassment, as well as the tools for creating a more respectful and inclusive workplace.
All participants will receive a certificate upon attending the full 90-minute session that fulfills the current NYS laws requiring mandatory yearly training in sexual harassment prevention.
NYS Mandated Sexual Harassment Prevention WorkshopFriday, March 22nd
1:00pm – 2:30pm
Where: 826/Superhero Supply Company, 372 5th Avenue between 5th & 6th Streets
$50.00/person ($25.00/person for not-for-profits)
Register: bit.ly/SexualHarassmentWorkshop_Mar22
To register for this event as a PSP member, please make sure that you are logged into Club Express.
To register as a couple, your partner must be a Secondary Member.
If you have questions about this or any PSP event, please email: events@parkslopeparents.com. Trainer Overview:Melissa Schulz is the EVP at GrayWolf Consulting, a training and development firm that’s been doing sexual harassment training since 2000. She has 25 years of experience in managing, coaching, training, and presenting. Melissa was recently a panelist at the Future of Work, Future of Women event in NYC, and has been asked to speak on the #metoo movement. She also trains and coaches for No Bully, a non-profit organization that ignites compassion to eradicate bullying in schools.