Gowanus, Brooklyn


#Repost @gowanusdredgers with @get_repost ・・・ Did you join us in not showering this morning? 🚱🌧🚨 When it rains beyond a certain amount in the watershed that flows into the Gowanus Canal (Park Slope, Prospect Heights, Boerum Hill, much of Carroll Gardens and Cobble Hill, a bit of Red Hook)...the old combined storm/household sewers flush what you flush...and what goes down your drain...right into the Canal. 😳 You can help limit the pollution that regularly douses the Gowanus by refraining from washing dishes, showering, doing laundry, and even flushing during heavy rain events. ☔️🧼🛁🚽🧽 #staystrong . . #gowanus #gowanuscanal #sewershed #gowanussewershed #parkslope #propsectheights #water #waterpollution #combinedseweroverflow #cso #carrollgardens #cobblehill #boerumhill #brooklyn #sewage #nyc #cleanwater #communityengagement #waterconservation

Gowanus, Brooklyn


#Repost @gowanusdredgers with @get_repost ・・・ Did you hear the bridge horns blowing on the Gowanus this morning? 📯 We did from out on the water! What was it all about? 🤔 Tale below and in our stories. . . Early this am, a crew of Dredgers ventured up the Canal and, after some long waits, transited through the open Union Street Bridge with our “Tower of Navigability” artwork lashed aboard, calling on DOT to keep the bridge open to vessel traffic (DOT is considering a non-openable replacement bridge). Lots of gravel fell noisily from the bridge as it opened for the first time in a long time. 🛶 Why did we do it? The bridge needs to open so the superfund cleanup dredging can take place at the top of the Canal - but also so that future art flotillas and whatever else people might think of...can use the canal fully. 📧 DM us if you want to email DOT to help keep the bridge openable - or if you want to join a larger flotilla in the near future. . . #gowanus #unionstreetbridge #navigability #waterfront #bridges #brooklyn #nyc #gowanussuperfund #gowanusdredgers #protestart #parkslope #carrollgardens


#Repost @bkcb6 with @get_repost ・・・ #communityboard6 #bkcb6 #brooklyn #community #parkslope #redhook #carrollgardens #columbiawaterfront #cobblehill #brooklyncb6


This Sunday July 29, support our friends in #carrollgardens and #cobblehill by buying tickets to @tastesofbrooklyn Funds raised support healthy school initiatives! #parkslope #theother5th #community


#Repost @pipertheatre with @get_repost ・・・ ♥️Piper’s Summer Youth Program 🎭Drama, Puppetry, Musical Theater For Ages 7-16 🎭 At Piper, children spend the month of July creating worlds of imagination and wonder at the Old Stone House & Washington Park the heart of Park Slope. Under the guidance of our extraordinary teachers, students create full-scale productions, performed outdoors on our professional stage or indoors @oldstonehousebklyn ♥️Piper nurtures confidence, creativity, focus, accountability, dedication, teamwork and determination. Program details @ pipertheatre.org Early drop-off, extended day are available. Register today! Questions? Contact register@pipertheatre.org or call us @ 718-768-3195 .....photos @amarproductions 🙏 #parkslopeparents #parkslopefamilies #brooklynfamilies#grateful #brooklyn #summer #drama #puppetry #musicaltheater #youth #families #brooklynfamilies #parkslope #cobblehill #carrollgardens #crownheights #prospectheights #redhook #gowanus #timeoutnewyork #creativity #confidence #community

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