A brief snippet of our #faceson5th interview with @mividamarket owner Angel Green. 50% off sweaters storewide!! Check out video and go shop
The V-Spot
ps5thave2017-12-12T16:38:30-05:00Steve, co-owner of @thevspotrestaurant, talks with us about the significance of their indoor mural and how it relates to the food they serve #faceson5th #shopsmalleveryday #eatlocal #shoplocal
The V-Spot
ps5thave2017-12-11T16:37:30-05:00Steve from @thevspotrestaurant on #theother5th being interviewed for the next #faceson5th Watch for it soon!
Park Slope Eye
ps5thave2017-12-06T16:57:50-05:00Doing our next #faceson5th video with @justinbazan from @parkslopeeye #parkslope #theother5th #shopsmall #shopsmalleveryday
BodyTonic Pilates Gymnasium
ps5thave2017-12-03T16:41:44-05:00After celebrating 18 years in business this past November, @bodytonicpilates owner Jennifer DeLuca offers some insight on how she’s been able to build a sustainable business #faceson5th #shopsmalleveryday #theother5th
In this #faceson5th interview snippet, Alex, @amerikickparkslope owner, talks about how martial arts helps students perform better in school and how it did the same for him years ago. . . . #martialarts #fitness #education #kids #fun #shopsmalleveryday #shopsmall #southslope #parkslope #brooklyn
Rachel’s Taqueria & Bar
ps5thave2017-09-19T17:45:49-04:00Martin, owner of #rachelstaqueria and #varrio408, spoke with us about exciting changes coming in the near future! #faceson5th #shopsmall #shopsmalleveryday #tequila #tacqueria #parkslope #brooklyn #theother5th
Susan and Anthony from @treblemakersmusicschool sat down to chat with us about how they keep their students excited about learning new music. #shopsmalleveryday #theother5th #faceson5th #parkslope #brooklyn #music