Having some fun in the storefront @lickersnsniffers on #theother5th between Dean and Bergen
Brooklyn Industries
ps5thave2019-01-14T16:50:22-05:00Go #Brooklyn @brooklynindustries corner of Union on #theother5th
Green Space Garden @ President Street
ps5thave2019-01-13T16:46:15-05:00Tree mountain @presidentstgreenspace on #theother5th @nycparks #treecycle
The Diana Kane Boutique
ps5thave2019-01-13T16:46:16-05:00Yeh #sales and gorgeous clothing @dianakane on #theother5th
Maya Taqueria (Park Slope)
ps5thave2019-01-12T16:44:49-05:00Lunch yum @mayataqueria corner Degraw on #theother5th #eatlocal
Le French Tart
ps5thave2019-01-11T16:52:51-05:00Perfect pick me up @lefrenchtart on #theother5th #eatlocal #bakery #shopsmall
Warm up with some red wine or spirits from @zulawine on #theother5th #parkslope #shopsmall
Freddy’s Bar and Backroom
ps5thave2019-01-11T04:50:24-05:00Its cold and dark outside. Inside @freddysbrklyn there’s 🍺 food and #opera ! It’s a better place to be! @operaontap @lagunitasbeer #parkslope #theother5th
Annie’s Blue Ribbon General Store
ps5thave2019-01-11T04:50:36-05:00A perfect, peaceful winter night from @anniesblueribbongeneralstore : a puzzle, a warm blanket, candles and... #poprocks ! 😬 #parkslope #theother5th #shopsmall
The Dram Shop
ps5thave2019-01-10T16:45:25-05:00This Friday @dramshopbrooklyn grab a beer and one of their amazing burgers and dance the night away with DJ Smoke starting at 10. #parkslope #theother5th